
Health within the platform is a key indicator that ensures balanced and fair gem gifting among users. It prevents others from sending gem requests to users without full health, promoting active participation and reciprocity.

Association with Gem Tiers: Health is linked to each of the seven gem tiers on the platform, meaning a user's health status can vary across different tiers based on their activities.

Three States of Health:

  • Empty: Indicates a temporary inability to gift gems, typically after a recent gifting action.

  • Half: Represents a partial capacity to gift, suggesting recent receipt of gems without subsequent gifting.

  • Full: Signifies the full capacity to gift gems to others, achieved after receiving gems directly from other users.

Gifting and Receiving Dynamics: A user's health increases to full when they receive a gem directly to their oldest targeted locked vault. If a user gifts a gem and their oldest locked vault is targeted, their health is emptied. This cycle ensures that users with full health aren't overwhelmed with gem requests, even though they can gift gems freely.

Strategic Participation: The health mechanism encourages users to actively participate in the platform's giving culture. By managing their health status wisely, users can maximize their contributions while ensuring a balanced and reciprocal exchange of generosity.

Promoting a Balanced Cycle of Giving: The health concept is integral to the platform's ecosystem, fostering a vibrant and supportive community environment. It incentivizes users to participate actively and ensures that generosity is reciprocated, promoting a continuous cycle of giving.

Last updated