
(Total Gencoin Given * Booster)

Impact within the Generos platform is a quantifiable metric that measures the extent of a user's contributions to broader community and organizational goals. It specifically tracks the amount of Gencoin or USDC that a user has donated to Orgs and Circle funding initiatives, offering a tangible representation of the user's generosity and support for the platform's collective missions.

  • Reflection of Generosity: Impact serves as a direct reflection of a user's commitment to the platform's ethos of digital generosity, highlighting their role in supporting and advancing various causes and projects.

  • Contribution to Goals: By quantifying donations in Gencoin or USDC, the Impact metric emphasizes the user's active participation in achieving funding goals set by Orgs and Circles on the platform, showcasing how individual contributions can drive collective success.

  • Measuring Effectiveness: The Impact metric provides users with insights into their effectiveness in contributing to the platform's community and organizational objectives, encouraging further engagement and support.

  • Encouraging Participation: By making Impact a visible and measurable aspect of user activity, Generos incentivizes users to contribute more significantly to funding goals, fostering a culture of active support and mutual advancement.

The Impact concept is central to fostering a culture of accountability and support within the Generos platform, encouraging users to not only engage with the community but also to contribute materially to its growth and the achievement of its goals. It celebrates and recognizes users who go above and beyond in their contributions, reinforcing the importance of generosity in building a strong and supportive digital ecosystem.

Booster (Direct Donations)

$1.99 = 1
$2..$10.99 = 2
$11..$50.99 = 3
$51..$100.99 = 4
$101..$5,000.99 = 5
$5,001..$10,000.99 = 6
$10,001..$50,000.99 = 7
$50,001..$100,000.99 = 8
$100,001..$500,000.99 = 9
$500,001+ = 10

Last updated