๐ŸงฌThe Generos Gene: A Guide to Growing Community

Generos is a platform where generosity meets technology to create a powerful force for good in the world. If you're ready to invite others to join us, it's crucial to identify those who share the "Generos Gene"โ€”an innate desire to make a difference through collective action, technology and generosity. This guide will help you recognize the traits of potential members who will thrive in and contribute to our community.

Who Embodies the Generos Gene?

The Generos Gene is a unique spark found within certain individuals, not everyone. It resonates deeply with those who instinctively feel a resounding "YES!" at the idea of joining a community rooted in generosity. economic empowerment and transformative action. This innate trait aligns perfectly with our mission and core desires, making it clear that some people are simply born with the Generos Gene. If the thought of leveraging technology and collective action for good doesnโ€™t light up someoneโ€™s enthusiasm, they likely donโ€™t possess this inherent gene.

Core Desires of a Generos Member

To identify someone with the Generos Gene, look for these core desires:

  • A Passion for Generosity: They seek to live a generous lifestyle, finding joy in giving and positively impacting others' lives.

  • A Drive to Do Good: They are motivated to make meaningful contributions to the world, aiming to leave it better than they found it.

  • Tech-Savvy with a Purpose: They see technology as a tool for economic empowerment and social change, not just for convenience.

  • A Disruptor Spirit: They question the status quo and are eager to disrupt the "system" for the better.

  • Belief in Collective Action: They understand the power of community and are excited to participate in actions that have a collective impact.

  • Abundance Minded: They possess a firm belief in abundance, trusting that there is enough for everyone and that by sharing, not only does everyone benefit, but the collective wealth and well-being also grow. This mindset fuels their generosity, driving them to give freely and support others, knowing that such actions contribute to a cycle of prosperity and positive change.

Introducing Generos in Convo

When sharing Generos with someone new, it's important to convey the essence of what makes our platform unique and transformative. Hereโ€™s two soundbites to pull from:

  • Generos helps you grow as a giver.

  • Generos turns practicing generosity into a rewarding game, empowering givers to become more generous, support good causes and earn while participating.

Inviting New Members

When inviting new members, share the vision and values of Generos. Highlight stories of impact and the benefits of living a generous lifestyle. Encourage them to consider how they see themselves contributing to and benefiting from the community. Remember, the right members will feel an enthusiastic "YES!" about joining Generos, resonating deeply with our core desires and the concept of radical giving.

Welcome to the journey of expanding our community with members who truly embody the Generos Gene. Together, we'll create a ripple effect of generosity and positive change in the world.

Last updated