Redemption Treasury

The Redemption Treasury stands as a cornerstone of financial stability and transparency within the Generos ecosystem. It is an on-chain treasury primarily stocked with USDC, which serves as the backbone for the value of Gencoin in circulation. Here's a closer look at how the Redemption Treasury operates and its role in ensuring the integrity of the Generos platform:

On-Chain Address


Value Flow Mechanism

For every gem purchased within Generos, a significant portion of the revenue is directly transferred into the Redemption Treasury in USDC. For instance, when a Ruby gem is bought for $5, Generos allocates $3.75 of that amount in USDC to the treasury. This model is meticulously applied across all gem tiers, with the percentages adjusted relative to the value of each tier, ensuring a consistent flow of value into the treasury.

Ruby Gem Tier Example

Backing Generos Cash and Gencoin's Value

The primary purpose of the Redemption Treasury is to secure the value of all Cash (GCH) and Gencoin (GGC) circulating within the platform. By depositing a substantial portion of gem purchase revenue into the treasury, Generos guarantees that the value of GCH and GGC combined is always backed by a tangible, stable assetโ€”USDC. This backing is crucial for maintaining user confidence and fostering a stable economic environment within Generos.

Transparency and Public Trust

One of the defining features of the Redemption Treasury is its transparency. Since it operates on the blockchain, all transactions and balances are publicly available, allowing anyone to verify the treasury's holdings at any time. This level of openness ensures that there will never be more Gencoin in circulation than there is USDC in the Redemption Treasury, a commitment that reinforces the platform's integrity and the trust users place in it.

Ensuring Stability

The Redemption Treasury not only backs the value of Gencoin but also acts as a stabilizing mechanism for the entire Generos economy. By aligning the supply of Gencoin with the USDC holdings in the treasury, Generos effectively manages the cryptocurrency's supply and demand, preventing volatility and ensuring a steady value proposition for users.


The Redemption Treasury is a vital component of the Generos ecosystem, embodying the platform's commitment to financial stability, transparency, and user trust. By securing the value of Gencoin with USDC and providing public visibility into its operations, the treasury plays a central role in upholding the economic principles that make Generos a trusted and valued platform for generosity and community engagement.

Last updated