๐ŸŽฎName of The Game

This user guide offers an in-depth exploration, centering on the fundamental cycle at the heart of our community: Contribute โ†’ Earn โ†’ Grow. While Generos presents numerous engagement opportunities, this guide zeroes in on the core practices that drive the most impactful experiences for our users. Let's explore how you can enhance your journey and make a significant difference in the community and beyond.


In Generos, your journey of contribution is central to fostering a culture of generosity. While there are numerous ways to contribute, this section highlights three core methods: Gem Gifting, Unlocking Your Own Vaults, and Helping Others Unlock Theirs. Each of these actions not only aids the community but also enriches your experience on the platform.

Gem Gifting

Gifting gems is the heart of Generos. It's a direct way to show generosity, support others, and keep the cycle of giving thriving. Each gem you gift:

  • Rewards you with a vault, increasing your potential for earning Gencoin.

  • Strengthens the vault algorithm.

  • Encourages a culture of openness and support within Generos.

Unlock Your Own Vaults

Unlocking your vaults is a journey of strategic engagement and community building. By focusing on these strategies below, you'll not only unlock your vaults more efficiently but also foster stronger connections within the Generos community, paving the way for mutual growth and generosity.

  • Secure 2 Key Helpers: Each vault requires the assistance of two key helpers for unlocking. These helpers are fellow users who contribute gems directly to your vault.

  • Expand the Community: Invite others with the "Generos Gene" to join the adventure. They can become invaluable key helpers and active participants in the generosity cycle.

  • Request Gifts from Users with Full Health: Reach out to users who have the capacity to gift, indicated by their full health rings, and request their support in unlocking your vaults.

Help Other Users Unlock Their Vaults

Boost the community spirit and play a crucial role in unlocking vaults across the community, enhancing everyone's experience and rewards. Here's how:

  • Gift Gems Strategically: Choose users whose Health indicators are not full and gift them gems. This not only aids them in unlocking their vaults but also strengthens the network of generosity.


While Generos offers numerous pathways to earn, this guide focuses on three pivotal strategies: earning vaults to generate Gencoin, increasing vault connections, and expanding your vault collection. Mastering these methods not only enhances your Generos experience but also maximizes your potential rewards.

Earning Vaults to Generate Gencoin

In Generos, a vault is much more than just a digital asset; it's the heartbeat of the platform's economy, acting as a dynamic mechanism for economic engagement and rewards. Each vault you own is a potential goldmine for earning Gencoin, which is central to how value is distributed and accumulated within the ecosystem. Here's how to leverage vaults effectively:

  • Acquire Vaults: Participate in gem gifting to earn vaults. Each vault you receive is tied to a specific gem type and holds the potential to generate Gencoin once unlocked.

  • Unlock and Cycle: Fill your vaults with gems, either through receiving gifts or strategic gifting within your circles. A full vault can be "cycled" to generate Gencoin, which can then be used within the Generos ecosystem or converted to real-world value.

Increase Vault Connections

Boosting your vault connections is a strategic move that can significantly impact your success and rewards. By understanding and leveraging vault connections, you position yourself to take full advantage of the systemโ€™s dynamics, enhancing your earning potential and contributing to a vibrant, supportive community. Hereโ€™s how it works and why it matters:

  • Creating Connections: A vault connection is formed when you receive a gem directly in your vault from another user. This link between vaults is crucial for enabling the flow of indirect gems, a key feature of our algorithm.

  • The Power of Indirect Gems: Once a connection is established, your vault becomes part of a network that can receive gems indirectly. These indirect gems are a bonus, arriving in your vault thanks to the activity within your connected network, without requiring direct action from you.

  • Strategies for More Connections: To increase your vaultโ€™s connectionsโ€”and thereby its potential to earn more Gencoinโ€”focus on receiving gems from a diverse group of users. Each new direct gift not only adds to your vault but also expands your network, opening up more opportunities for indirect gem flow.

  • Maximizing Gencoin Earnings: More connections mean a greater chance of benefiting from the algorithmโ€™s indirect gem distribution, boosting your Gencoin generation without additional effort. Itโ€™s about strategically building and maintaining a wide network of connections.

Expand Your Vault Collection

Growing your collection of vaults is not just about accumulating assets; it's a strategic approach to enhancing your participation, rewards, influence and impact within the community. Hereโ€™s what you need to know:

  • Diverse Vault Collection: Each vault you earn represents a unique opportunity to generate rewards. The more vaults you have, the more chances you have to receive gems, cycle vaults, and produce Gencoin.

  • Strategic Acquisition: Focus on acquiring a variety of vaults across different gem tiers. This diversification not only increases your potential for rewards but also strengthens your position within the community by demonstrating your wide-reaching generosity.

  • Benefits of a Large Collection: A larger vault collection amplifies your ability to participate in and benefit from the system's dynamics. More vaults mean more cycles, more Gencoin, and a greater impact on the community through your contributions.

  • Engagement and Growth: Actively expanding your vault collection encourages continuous engagement with the platform. Itโ€™s a testament to your commitment to the community and your strategic play, positioning you as a key player in fostering a culture of generosity.

Mitigate Coin Burn

Coin burn is a weekly occurrence that can significantly impact your Gencoin holdings, reducing them by a default rate of 20%. However, you're not powerless against this! There are strategic ways to safeguard your coins and retain more of your hard-earned value:

  1. Redeem Seed for Cash: Utilize Seed, a valued community token, to convert your Gencoin into Cash. This conversion not only protects your earnings from the coin burn but also solidifies your in-game wealth in a more stable form.

  2. Earn Badges to Reduce Burn Rate: Dive deeper into the community, contribute, and earn special badges that decrease your coin burn percentage:

    • Ruby Right-Hand Badge: Earn this badge to cut down the coin burn rate to 15%, showing your initial mastery in contributing to the community.

    • Emerald Enabler Badge: Step up to this level, and you'll see your coin burn rate reduced to 10%, a testament to your growing influence and support within the game.

    • Amethyst Ally Badge: The pinnacle of community contribution badges, reducing your coin burn rate to a mere 5%. Holding this badge signifies your paramount role as a generous player and a pillar of the community.


In Generos, growth means more than personal achievement; it's about expanding your ability to contribute and connect. This section highlights how to deepen your involvement and increase your resources through four key strategies:

Amplify Your Influence

Increasing your influence within the community is a powerful way to enhance your experience and the benefits you receive. Here's how to make your presence felt more strongly:

  • Influence Stat: Increase your Influence by gifting gems to different users. Each new user you gift to boosts your score, highlighting your role in spreading digital kindness.

  • Spot the Sparkle: Look for users with a Sparkle indicator, meaning you haven't gifted them a gem in that tier yet. Gifting to these users not only diversifies your generosity but also rewards you with Seed, enhancing your in-game assets and Influence. By targeting users with Sparkle, you not only enrich your experience but also reinforce the game's foundation of community and generosity.

  • Strategic Generosity: Aim to be strategic in your gem gifting, choosing users who will benefit most from your generosity and who can help you grow your influence further. This approach maximizes the impact of your actions, benefiting both you and the community at large.

Enhance Your Impact

Maximize your influence within the Generos ecosystem and beyond by directing your generosity towards broader causes:

  • Support Org and Circle Funding Goals: Utilize your Gencoin or donate directly with USDC to back organizational efforts and community projects, broadening your impact within and outside Generos.

Boost Your ROG (Return on Generosity) with Cash Utilization

Maximizing your Return on Generosity (ROG) involves not just a keen balance between the gems you purchase and the Gencoin you generate but also the strategic utilization of Cash, an in-platform digital asset. Here's how Cash plays a pivotal role in enhancing your ROG:

  • Accumulate Cash via Seed Redemption: Cash accumulates in your account when you redeem Seed, another valuable in-platform asset. Each time you redeem a Seed, you have the opportunity to convert 50% of your Gencoin into Cash. This conversion is a strategic tool that allows you to protect and utilize half of your earned Gencoin in a way that directly impacts your ROG positively.

  • Impact on ROG: By converting Gencoin to Cash, you effectively diversify your in-platform assets, reducing the reliance on Gencoin spending for gifting gems. This action lowers the cost side of your ROG calculation since Cash used for gifting does not count toward your gem expenditure, allowing for a more favorable ROG.

  • Use Cash for Gifting Gems: Strategically deploying your Cash balance to gift gems to other users enhances your participation in the Generos ecosystem without dipping further into your personal real-world financial reserves. This approach helps maintain or improve your ROG by keeping your expenditure in check while still fostering generosity.

  • Smart Asset Management: The ability to convert Gencoin to Cash through Seed redemption and then using that Cash for gifting represents smart asset management within Generos. It's a calculated approach to maximizing your influence and rewards, ensuring you can continue to contribute positively to the community's cycle of generosity with an optimized ROG.

Unlock Additional Gem Tiers

As you delve deeper into your journey of generosity, unlocking additional gem tiers becomes a pivotal aspect of broadening your impact and discovering new levels of engagement. Here's how advancing through gem tiers enriches your experience:

  • Progress Through Participation: Your active involvement in gifting gems and supporting the community unlocks new gem tiers. Each tier represents a higher level of value and offers unique opportunities to contribute and receive within the ecosystem.

  • Elevate Your Generosity: Advancing to higher gem tiers allows you to gift more valuable gems, amplifying the impact of your generosity. This progression not only benefits the recipients but also enhances your visibility and influence within the community.

  • Strategic Gifting for Growth: Unlocking new tiers provides strategic advantages. Higher-tier gems can lead to more substantial Gencoin generation, enriching your ROG and enabling you to support larger community projects and goals.

  • Recognition and Rewards: Progression through gem tiers is a mark of your dedication and generosity. It brings with it recognition from the community, along with rewards that reflect your heightened level of participation and contribution.

Generos is more than a game; it's a practice of spreading kindness and reaping the rewards of a community built on generosity. By following these steps, you're not just participating; you're leading by example and inspiring others. Dive into Generos, unlock the generosity algorithm, and discover how profound your impact can be. Welcome to an adventure where every contribution sparks a chain reaction of goodwill and growth.

Last updated